Showing posts with label Celebrity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Celebrity. Show all posts

Sunday 24 April 2022



Dreams are really very odd

Last night my wife sat up and said

“Tell Lionel to stop

It’s really hurting my head”

I enquired politely

What the hell she was on about

“Lionel Blair is in the wardrobe

Get the tosser out”

Now considering the early hour

I had the patience of Job

And softly said “Why would he 

Be in our wardrobe”?

A fare question, I thought

She just gave me a frown

“Tap dancing you idiot”

And then she lay back down



It seems to me that a man in his middle years

Is rendered more attractive, almost immediately,

To the opposite sex, if found to be wealthy

And/or he is a well-known TV celebrity

Sunday 10 April 2022


I requested a train ticket to Paris

And the ticket seller said “Eurostar”

“Well, I've done a bit of telly”

I said “but I'm no Alan Carr”

Tuesday 15 February 2022



There appears to be no shame

In our modern society

This is true for all walks of life

But in particular celebrities

Because what was once shame

Is now just called publicity

Thursday 20 January 2022



“I’d do anything” how apt a title

A motto for the wannabee

A catch phrase for the starstruck

And all those lacking dignity

Friday 14 January 2022


Everybody is responsible

Never mind what nanny state says

For their own actions

That’s the way it is

We are all responsible for what we do

Except of course for celebrities  

Monday 11 October 2021



If you lived in the seventies

You were thought to be cool

If you looked like Marlon Brando

Or Liz Taylor

If you’re in your seventies

You are thought to be a fool

If you looked like Marlon Brando

Or Liz Taylor

Monday 4 October 2021



I spoke to Diana Ross

Several times on the mobile

But I didn’t want her

Dyno-Rod was what I dialled

Friday 1 October 2021


When she returned home, she said

She had been sleeping under the stars

Which meant, she’d been having sex

With celebrities that she met in bars 

Monday 27 September 2021



Giving kids a bad name

Is one of life’s absurdities

But those who really give kids

A bad name are, celebrities

Sunday 29 August 2021



Giving kids a bad name

Is one of life’s absurdities

But those who really give kids

A bad name are, celebrities

Wednesday 7 July 2021



“I smoke 10 to 15 cigars a day”

George Burns said when he was still a thing

Approaching his hundredth birthday

“At my age I have to hold on to something”


January 20th,1896 - March 9th, 1996

Tuesday 23 March 2021



I remember many years ago in the days of Saturday night variety when the TV schedules weren’t filled with programs comprising almost totally of has-beens and nobodies.

The has-beens trying to rekindle their flagging careers by humiliating themselves on national TV by performing like tamed circus animals and the nobodies humiliating themselves through a lack of any kind of talent on an endless stream of repackaged 21st century “Talent” shows.

One of the great shows of those far off days was The Two Ronnie’s and the reason it has come to mind is one particular gag which was one of the items in their regular closing routine when they would read out spoof news items. Now the one that has come to mind is about a woman who raised a family one handed while waiting for directory enquires.

Well, I know that the old and much maligned directory enquires no longer exist and that we now have a myriad of enquiry services which were set up to break BT’s monopoly which in all honesty has done no one much of a service at all.

In fact, they just seem to exist to add to the ever-growing number of call centres, which have pervaded our everyday lives there should be enough to keep our 21st century gag writers busy for years.

Waiting for British Gas to phone back for example in fact waiting for British Gas to anything should furnish enough humour for a mini series.

Of course, the new curse of the age is the overseas call center chiefly the Indian variety.

I had a call yesterday from a young woman who spoke like Madur Jaffrey and claimed to be named Jane Smith.

Now I come to mention it there was a Jane smith who accompanied the Jon Pertwee incarnation of Dr Who perhaps it was here.

I’ve also been called, in the last two weeks, by Andy, Steve, Jason, Michael and Owen then only ten minutes ago by Rachel Hunter.

I don’t know what she was selling I just said if you’re Rachel Hunter then I’m Pierce Brosnan and hung up.

I have heard, although it could just be an urban myth, that the staff has daily briefing where they get updated on the UK weather forecast, news bulletins and the current plot lines of Eastenders and Coronation Street.

Now I struggle to follow Enders and Corrie myself so I cant imagine it makes any sense at all if you haven’t seen it.

All of this does seem to beg the question that if there is nothing fundamentally wrong with operating call center’s overseas why do they go to such great lengths to convince us they are somewhere in Britain.

Friday 19 March 2021



I was on a family holiday in Dubrovnik in the late eighties at a time when it was still part of old republic of Yugoslavia.

It was not the best holiday I’ve ever had in fact it was awful caused by a combination of foul weather, the worst summer for four decades we were reliably informed, and the unfriendliness people it’s ever been my misfortune to come into contact with, in fact they made Parisians look friendly and Bavarians seem charming.

In retrospect there were obviously unseen tensions lurking beneath the surface, which finally erupted into the vicious civil war, which saw the breakup of the old Yugoslav republic.

However, on this particular morning the weather had picked up a little and the sun was shining, and the restaurant waitresses seemed a little less surly than usual, so we went for a walk after breakfast.

We headed towards the marina through a rather pleasant little park when we noticed something on the quayside, so we went over to investigate.

We came upon a scene with cameras and lights and an arrangement of rails on the ground for the camera to run along and a lot of people milling around like a group of industrious ants and then there was another smaller group with two men dressed in east German uniforms and the unmistakable figure of the great Welsh actor Jonathan Rhys-Davies.

I know that some of you are asking “who the hell is Jonathan Rhys-Davies” well you may not recognize the name, but you would certainly recognize the face and some of the many characters he’s played such as Prof. Maximilian Arturo in the sci-fi series Sliders, Sallah, the jovial north African friend of Indiana Jones in the adventure movies and Gimli in the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

So now we all know who he is I will continue.

We stopped to watch the filming and surprisingly there were very few people who did stop to watch the proceedings and most of those who did quickly moved on.

Which I found quite strange as it wasn’t as if there was anything more interesting to do in Dubrovnik during the wettest summer for forty years.

There were several takes of the shot they were filming and between takes Mr. Rhys-Davies kept looking over in our direction and when the director was finally satisfied with what he had done, he signaled for them to pack up for the day.

On this signal Mr Rhys-Davies made a beeline to where we were standing and greeted us like we were long lost friends and kissed my mum, which thrilled her to bits.

We exchanged introductions and he proceeded to explain that they were in Yugoslavia to film a pilot for a proposed TV show for one of the American networks entitled “THE COMPANY” in which he played a CIA man. He then wanted to know where we were from, where we were staying, how long we were staying, were we enjoying it.

All of course totally irrelevant to him but he took the time to find out about us rather than do the usual Luvvie thing of talking about themselves and listing their credits, there was no me me me with him at all.

He spent over half an hour chatting with us then he posed for photos, but not in a grandstanding way like stars do for the benefit of the paparazzi, then he kissed my mum again.

He had to be called three times by his production people to get in the car and even then, he apologized profusely that he had to leave.

Whenever we watch an Indian Jones movie or an episode of Sliders before I can even speak my wife says, “I know its Jonathan Rhys-Davies, you met him in Dubrovnik and he’s a very nice man”, before I can say a word how sad is that.



I am always unsure when I meet someone from the acting profession whether the persona, I am presented with is merely a mask, another character adopted rather than the real person.

Now with some Celebrities you would probably be happier with the mask than the rather shallow original.

The feeling you get however after meeting Penelope Keith is what you see is what you get.

The first time I met her was at an open day for the Guildford Magistrates court.

I was working at the time as part of the crew of the Surrey Police Mobile Custody Unit.

We were on duty with the vehicle so that members of the public come aboard see how it worked and Penelope Keith was their in her capacity as High Sheriff of Surrey as was by no means the only civil dignitary at the gathering but she was the only one who made a point of speaking to everyone on duty and by that I mean she conversed with everyone.

A delightful lady and not a bit like Margo Ledbetter.

Monday 8 March 2021



A new quiz show is coming very soon

It will be a one off though to be fair

Its only open to uniformed doormen

It’s “who wants to be a commissionaire”



The latest TV craze is for reality shows

And they seem that they are at their peak

There are some new ones starting very soon

In fact, the first of them starts next week

And they have chosen a religious theme

In order to tap into the large Christian poll

The first one is aimed at the Roman Catholics

To choose a new pontiff and called “pope idol”

Then for the Protestant’s to keep a balance

For church choristers and singers of gospels

The host is a tall, bearded man named Mathew

The show will be called “stars in your aisles”

Friday 5 March 2021



Marriages between celebrities

And people of that ilk

Are considered to be a success

If they out last milk

Thursday 4 March 2021



This Ant and Dec as far as I can tell

Are on TV a lot and doing quite well

I don’t really watch them much you see

Because they’re not really my cup of tea

Recently they were called in the press

Something that causes me great distress

The claim that has caused such concern

“Ant and Dec are the new Eric and Ern”

Well, I’m sorry but I simply must disagree

There can never be a new Eric and Ernie

They won’t even replace Cannon and Ball

Little and Large or any double acts at all

It won’t ever happen no matter who tries

But they may be the new Little and Wise

Wednesday 24 February 2021



“You look like Donald Sutherland”

She told me at the cocktail party

I was extremely flattered by this

Even though she was quite tarty

Being compared to a famous star

Left me with a warm feeling inside

Head high looking down my nose

I saw her smiling wryly at my pride

Its only human to be so flattered

Even if he doesn’t make girls swoon

Then she continued loudly in my ear

“Well viewed in the back of a spoon”