Sunday 24 January 2021


A Nun and a Priest set off to cross the desert.

On a camel to find nomadic souls to convert

On the third day out, the camel dropped dead.

They were left to the mercy of the sun overhead.

The Nun and the Priest surveyed their situation.

And spent some time in silent contemplation.

After a long period, the Priest broke the silence.

"Well, Sister” he spoke with great assurance.

“Things look pretty hopeless." He said grimly.

"Yes, father, I know" She answered calmly.

He suggested that they had maybe a day or two.

The Nun concurred and tipped sand from her shoe.

"My child since we are unlikely to leave this place.

Would you do something for me Sister Grace?"

"Anything Father, whatever you ask is yours.”

"I’ve never seen women's breasts; can I see yours”?

Though shocked at first, she considered carefully.

“I don't see why not,” Grace said agreeing fully.

The Nun opened her habit and bared her breasts.

As the priest enjoyed them, he had another request.

"Sister would you mind if I touched them fondly?"

She then consented and he fondled them eagerly.

She said, "Father, could I ask something of you?"

"Yes, Sister, what would you like me to do?”

"I have never seen a man's thingy could I see yours?"

"Well yes OK," he said unbuttoning his drawers.

"Oh, may I touch it?" she said after close inspection.

The priest consented and soon had an erection.

“This can give life if inserted in the proper place.”

The priest said trembling to the young Sister Grace.

"Is that true father?" "Yes, sister." Answered her peer.

"Then stick it in the camel so we can get out of here.” 

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