Friday 29 January 2021



What I wanted in a Man when I was still in my twenties

Was someone handsome, charming with financial expertise

A man who dressed in style and appreciated the finer things

An imaginative, romantic lover and thoughtfully surprising

What I wanted in a Man when I was still in my thirties

Was someone who remembered birthdays and anniversaries

A nice-looking man preferably who still had his own hair

He would open the car door for me and even hold my chair

Who listened more than talked and laughed at all my jokes

And who wanted an early night without me having to coax

What I wanted in a Man when I was still in my forties

Was someone who was not too ugly or challenged follicly

Who was in good enough shape to rearrange the furniture

And in steady employment even if he was no entrepreneur

Who would take me out for dinner even if not five star

And a man who wouldn’t drive away before I got in the car

What I wanted in a Man when I was still in my fifties

Someone who wouldn’t stoop to belch or scratch publicly

A man who would keep trimmed their ear and nose hair

And who would wear matching socks and clean underwear

What I wanted in a Man when I was still in my sixties

Someone who would remember where the bathroom is

Who was in good enough shape to stand up by himself

And could usually make it to the bedroom if nothing else

A man who only snores very lightly when he’s sleeping

Or someone who would remember why he was laughing

Usually kept his clothes on when he was out with his pals

And who didn’t scare small children or people’s animals

What I wanted in a Man when I reached seventy plus

Was someone who could still reach the toilet and flush

Who could breath unaided without an oxygen mask

And who doesn’t think of sex as a disagreeable task

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