The North wind doth blow and we shall have snow
Pavements won’t be cleared, and roads won’t see grit
Council employees will
sit in the depot keeping warm
While the rest of us
citizens have to get on with it
The North wind doth blow and we shall have snow
Pavements won’t be cleared, and roads won’t see grit
Council employees will
sit in the depot keeping warm
While the rest of us
citizens have to get on with it
Are you wearing a sheepdog bra?
Don’t answer I can see
that you are
Because the rounded-up
Are pointed in the
right direction
I went to the family planning clinic
And I got a tip that
is beyond price
It was written below
the sign
For “Family Planning
It simply read “Use
rear entrance”
That’s what I call
good advice
Outside a popular night club
A set of jump
leads were queuing
The bouncer said,
“I'll let you in
As long but don't
start anything”
I saw something not very nice
A poor old man fell
over on the ice
I rushed over to him
right away
He was very poor I
would say
Lying on the icy
My Doctor said to me, “Jack
You’re a hypochondriac
You'll live to be
60" I said "I’m 62"
"You see I told
A drunk was brought before the judge.
The judge said as he was walked in
"You've been brought before me for drinking."
And the drunk said, "Great, I’ll have a gin"