Sunday 13 March 2022



On the naming of a child

Certain protocols should be followed by the registrar

Protocol one

If the chosen name is Rainbow or Honey dew

Then firstly the parents should be slapped

And given a book containing sensible names

This process should be repeated until a sensible choice is made

Protocol Two

If the chosen name is Chardonnay or Champagne

Then firstly the parents should be slapped

And a large group of people should be assembled to laugh at them

The parents should then be given a dictionary

To look up the definitions of the names that they chose

This process should also be repeated until a sensible choice is made

Protocol Three

If the chosen name is Moonflower or Gallifrey

Then firstly the parents should be slapped

And the child should be immediately taken into care

Then the parents should be put in the stocks

So sensible people can throw rotten fruit at them

Before finally being committed to an institution


PS – Should it ever be deemed that they have been cured

They should be sterilised before release

And their names entered on the pretentious parents register


PPS - Anyone from Cardiff, The Wirral, Norfolk, Suffolk or Essex will inevitably

Name the child after a piece of fruit, a place they have visited

The name of their favourite car or a product from a supermarket

As a result, these people should not be trusted to name their children.

Registrars must name the children for them

In the same way that Hurricanes and tropical storms are named

If they complain go straight to Protocol three

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