Thursday, 24 March 2022



Everyone loves an iPod

A w x and y Pod

And an I say I say Pod

A meat and potato pie Pod


The all at sea aye aye Pod

The he made me cry Pod

And I’ve got to fly Pod

And the bye bye Pod


The I’m going to die Pod,

The, my mate Dai Pod

The must keep it dry Pod

And the lady Di Pod,


The di diddly di Pod

The one in the eye Pod

The just for a guy Pod

And the Isle of Skye Pod


The bridge over the river Kwai Pod

The pig in his sty Pod

The vale of Wye Pod

And the Jamiroquai Pod


The Geordie why eye Pod

The Scottish ocheye Pod

The end is nigh Pod

And the x-ray eye Pod


The I can’t tell a lie Pod

The New Zealanders kai Pod

The I spy with my little iPod

Everyone loves their iPod

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