Thursday 18 February 2021



When we were kids

Our cots were covered with brightly coloured lead-based paint, which we chewed and licked

And we did not die


When we were kids

We didn’t have childproof lids on medicine bottles, or special latches on doors or windows

And we did not die


When we were kids

When we rode our bikes, we didn’t need to wear helmets or protective knee and elbow pads

And we did not die


When we were kids

We would ride in cars with no seat belts or air bags. We would even ride in the passenger seat 

And we did not die


When we were kids

We drank water from the garden tap and from streams and not from bottle it tasted the same

And we did not die


When we were kids

We ate bread and dripping spotted dick for pudding and drank fizzy pop with sugar in it

And we did not die


When we were kids

We would share drinks among our friends from the same bottle or can without sterilizing it first

And we did not die


When we were kids

We made go-carts out of wood and old pram wheels then we would race down the steepest hill

And we did not die


When we were kids

Sometimes if we didn’t have a go-cart, we would race down hills on a tin lid or even a Tea tray

And we did not die


When we were kids

We sometimes fell out with each other and even got into fights punches were thrown and eyes blacked

But we did not die


When we were kids

We played football, cricket, and street rounders and sometimes that ball really hurt you

But we did not die


When we were kids

In the summer holidays we would leave home after breakfast and only go home to have our tea 

No one worried or minded


When we were kids

We sometimes we had accidents falling out of trees or just falling over and we got cut and bruised

And no one got sued


When we were kids

We played with catapults, spud guns and pea shooters and every autumn we played with conkers

But we did not die


When we were kids

We made up games with sticks and played at being Indians with spears and bows and arrows

We didn’t poke our eyes out


When we were kids

We didn’t have video games or multi-channel Telly or Video and DVD’s or personal computers

We had friends instead


When we were kids

Our parents didn’t bail us out if we broke a law they sided with the police and we were punished

And oh yes, we did not die

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