The are many
Types of Pasta
But a Spagelini
Is an impasta
The are many
Types of Pasta
But a Spagelini
Is an impasta
I had to be brought up by
My non bio family
As my biological
Gave me a rash sadly
In the well-known Nursery Rhyme
The Grand old Duke of
Was a manic-depressive
Because when he was
up, he was up
Sights, sounds, smells, taste, and touch
It’s funny the things
that cause the memories to arise
When all of a sudden
memory of my sister flood back
It’s Cilla Black, Port
and Lemon and Devon Skies
Are you wearing extensions?
Well I hesitate to
The extensions to your
Don’t really attach
down there
Phil Lynott lost his favourite fish
And searched for it wide and far oh
When he found it he took it home,
Now he keeps his fishy in a-jar-o
I have many questions
That are not my bailiwick
Why isn’t there a
Word for monosyllabic