Saddles” is a comedy western, written by Norman Steinberg, Andrew Bergman,
Richard Pryor and Alan Uger, from the Story by Andrew Bergman and Directed by
Mel Brooks.
the story of a town where everyone seems to be named Johnson, but apart from
that it’s in the way of the railroad and in order to grab their land, a
politically connected nasty individual, Hedley Lemar (Harvey Korman), sends in
his henchmen, lead by Taggart (Slim Pickens) to make the town unliveable.
town demands a replacement, from the Governor, Lepetomane (Mel Brooks), after
their Sheriff is killed, and Hedley convinces him to send the town the first
Black Sheriff in the west.
Bart (Cleavon Little) is a sophisticated urbanite has some difficulty winning
over the townspeople but when he does he soon becomes Lemar’s most
formidable adversary aided by Jim
the gunslinger (Gene Wilder), despite Lemar using Lili Von Shtupp (Madeline
Kahn) and Mongo (Alex Karras).