Thursday 4 March 2010


You sought me out
And overwhelmed me
Your directness was disarming
You were seductive and charming
But the want of you made me ache
And soon you took me to bed
Made me sweat and made me shake
As you soothed my ache
You made me whimper and moan
And grunt and groan
You used me and abused me
Until I begged for rest
You exhausted me
Till I could scarcely go on
And when I had no more to give
You wrung me out like a wet rag
And cast me aside
Then as quickly as you came into my life
You were gone from it
And I slept the clock around


They say nature is perfect
They say nature is beautiful
But they are so wrong
Nature is ugly and brutal
Oh it looks pretty in a picture
I quite accept it all looks nice
But don’t be fooled
Nature will kill you in a trice
It doesn’t matter where you go
If you look closely enough
Something is eating something else
Nature is cruel and tough
Its dog eat dog its bird eat frog
Its fish eat fish its whale eat seal
In nature it seems to me
Everything is some body’s meal
So don’t try telling to me
That nature is perfect and wonderful
I don’t need the natural world
I can go to London if I want brutal


We have an unwanted mouse in our house
But am I permitted to kill it? No is the answer
My son suggested I leave the back door open
So it could let it self out when it was ready
My wife wants me to buy a humane trap
So I can catch it, release it, and catch it again next week
How confused we are of what animals are
We have this romantic notion of the animal kingdom
That they are just like humans but in animal form
We have endowed the beasts with human qualities
Beatrix Potter’s tales are a classic example of this
Stories spoon fed to young eager minds for decades
Mice do not live in houses, watch TV or play scrabble
It’s just a mouse, its vermin, and it’s eating my food
They have been humanised in a century of cartoons
In that undignified way we have Disney-fied them
Well we need to un-Disneyfy the creatures double quick
So I have baited my trap and I will wait for the snap
Because Mice don’t live in houses especially not in mine


I have three teenage sons
With appetites like men
And it costs a fortune
Feeding all of them
But due to the economy
Times are hard you see
So as they eat like men
At dinner time I told them
“Due to the current recession
Which may lead to a depression
Tough times are ahead you know
So we will have to let you all go"


We left the stadium after awhile
Exiting though the open turnstiles
To find inappropriately clad in licra
And standing on top of a Micra
A very fat woman singing opera
From on top of that poor little car
When I heard a laugh from my lad
Who then said “It’s all over then Dad”


Love comes in many shades
Ranged as on a colour chart
From “like” to “can’t live without”
Some love knows only sunlight
Others inhabit the dark places
Some are shallow and superficial
Others deep and intensive
Love can simply be physical
Or a mere infatuation
It can be companionable, platonic
Or purely spiritual
Love is both simple and complex.
Often at the same time
It can be of the moment
Or woven through the fabric of your life
It can be merely a veneer
Or layered in strata
But the simple truth is that love
Is the glue that holds the universe together


A green eyed goddess
Pretty as a picture
With ringlets of flaming red
Cascading on to her ivory skin
Her peaches and cream complexion
Fresh as an English rose
With skin pale as porcelain
Yet passion blooms upon her cheek
Aglow with an apples blush
And as she approaches
A cloud enveloped me
Like exotically fragranced orchids
Leaving me heady and breathless
Then she just passed me by
As if I wasn’t there
Leaving me wretched in her wake