Corbyn! Leading the labour party
They couldn’t have got
it wronger
I wouldn’t have voted
for him
To lead the conference
party conga
Corbyn! Leading the labour party
They couldn’t have got
it wronger
I wouldn’t have voted
for him
To lead the conference
party conga
She only come to me with a problem
When she wants my help
solving it
But if she’s looking
for sympathy
Then she knows that
I’m not fit
So her girlfriends must
fill that need
Because I’m an
unsympathetic git
I can’t tell you how much I dislike F1
I only watch as a last
I find the F1 function
key on my laptop
More interesting than
the sport
OldfriEND or New FriEND,
BoyfriEND or
They all have an END
So if you’re looking
for longevity
Look no further than
Have you noticed that
Family Contains I L Y
Which stands for “I Love
And no one asks why
If you are going to have + 1 channels
There should be a – 1
for everyone
Which would
automatically allow
The likely mistake to
be easily undone
Ding, dong, bell,
Pussy’s in the well.
Who put it in?
I did, because
It’s the neighbourhood