Sunday 14 March 2021



What I like to do while I am waiting

Is indulge in some people watching

Young Turks all suited and booted

Business types are pin stripe suited

Old-aged women dressed in tweed

And middle-aged men going to seed

Or loud teenager’s baseball capped

And naughty kids with hands slapped

A smart young man with shaven face

A pretty young girl in a top of lace

Balding heads show above headrests

Bra less students without their vests

Some read tabloids or broad sheets

While some doze quietly in their seats

Wow a girl bends over in tight jeans

Eyes look above books and magazines

It’s the little things that entertain

It all helps when traveling by train

It’s just a shame we haven’t moved yet

But they’ll have a good excuse I bet

The wrong snow, leaves on the rails

Or frozen points or some other tales

Valid reasons maybe in their own way

It’s just that today is a lovely June day

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