Monday 15 March 2021



Was Abraham Lincoln a truly heroic figure is he worthy of his place in history?

Did he really care about the slaves in the southern states that he rallied the north into fighting a bloody war for their freedom?

Or was it just political expedience?

It is certainly true that the south had a distinct advantage over their northern counterparts as they had virtually no labour costs in producing their cash crops.

Undoubtedly its true that for the north to prosper it was necessary for slavery to end in order that the Union and the Confederacy be on a level playing field.

So, what was Lincoln’s true motivation?

I believe he put people first, all people. 

I believe the man was as good as history has painted him.


When martin Luther king had his dream was it truly about equality?

Did he really dream of a day when black and white children would play together?

Did he dream of utopia?

Or was his dream simply about turning the table on the whites?

Did he dream of a day when the USA was run by the blacks for the blacks?

I believe he did dream of utopia and in his utopia black and white children did play together.

I believe the man was as good as history has painted him.


When John Fitzgerald Kennedy’s administration dragged America kicking and screaming into a new age of democracy and civil freedoms but what was his motive?

Was he the puppet of the mafia?

Did his real beliefs echo his own father’s right-wing leanings?

He was certainly a womanizer but that in itself does not make him a bad man.

I believe his politics were sound and his motives true.

I believe the man was as good as history has painted him.


I think all three men were truly good men with noble intentions they were not perfect but then whom of us are even good men have flaws.

I consider myself to be very fortunate because of these three great men two have lived in my lifetime.

Sadly, however they all met a violent end, assassinated at the height of their power and influence.

What greatness might they have achieved if their lives had not been cut short by an assassin’s bullet.

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