Chocolate buttons have always
Struck me as being rather
You may think it
strange but
After all they’re
Smartie’s in the nude
Chocolate buttons have always
Struck me as being rather
You may think it
strange but
After all they’re
Smartie’s in the nude
Share your knowledge and your wisdom
While you’re here
because in reality
Short of committing
mass murder
It's the only way to
achieve an immortality
There was something remarkable
A special quality
beyond belief
Something dangerous
and daring
With the dark-haired
slip of mischief
An ostrich's eye is bigger
Than its brain,
I have known quite a
People afflicted
This is the way the gentlemen ride
This is the way the
gentlemen ride
Get out of the way you
Are you wearing it the right way?
I heard the pretty girl say
Should it be tied like so?
For kissing under the mistletoe
Am I showing my naïveté?
In the most embarrassing way
It’s just that I kind of felt
It shouldn’t be tied on your belt
We have loved eggs
Since we were children
Hen Fruits my dad
Used to call them