My dear old mother
Recently passed away
But it came to my
Only the other day
That she was in fact
By a “Mrs A”
My dear old mother
Recently passed away
But it came to my
Only the other day
That she was in fact
By a “Mrs A”
I had to go to the hospital today
After I had been stung
by a bee
And my head really
swelled up
But the doctors said
not to worry
It was just caused by anaphylaxis
Which I have to say
surprised me
Because I went to school
with her
And I thought she really
liked me
Now I’ve had my sight restored
Thanks to the surgeon’s
I finally appreciate
the worth
Of TV in High
After spending so many
Watching TV in Monet
The NHS has plans to save money
Which may leave the
institution blighted
Audiologists haven’t
heard a thing
And Ophthalmologists
think them short sighted
Plastic Surgeons are
being two faced
But Pathologists are
dead against change
Podiatrists think them
a step backwards
While Psychiatrists
think them deranged
The NHS has plans to save money
But it is unclear who will
oppose the plans
Radiologists can see
through them
But the Surgeons just
washed their hands
Hospital managers had
a meeting and claimed
It will be a steep learning curve
While the Urologists wet themselves.
And the Neurologists lost their nerve
The NHS has plans to save money
Paediatricians think
them too tough
But their complaints
have been rejected
As they are not
considered grown up enough
The NHS has plans to save money
As they are strapped
for cash
The plans have got up
the Allergists noses
And Dermatologists
think them rash