Monday 14 February 2022



We have an unwanted mouse in our house

But am I permitted to kill it? No is the answer

My son suggested I leave the back door open

So it could let it self out when it was ready

My wife wants me to buy a humane trap

So I can catch it, release it, and catch it again next week

How confused we are of what animals are

We have this romantic notion of the animal kingdom

That they are just like humans but in animal form

We have endowed the beasts with human qualities

Beatrix Potter’s tales are a classic example of this

Stories spoon fed to young eager minds for decades

Mice do not live in houses, watch TV or play scrabble

It’s just a mouse, its vermin, and it’s eating my food

They have been humanised in a century of cartoons

In that undignified way we have Disney-fied them

Well we need to un-Disneyfy the creatures double quick

So I have baited my trap and I will wait for the snap

Because Mice don’t live in houses especially not in mine

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