Sunday 27 June 2021



I was out shopping with the kids one day

And we stopped for lunch at a burger place

We had just begun to eat our burgers

When a smell papered that I couldn’t trace

It was so bad that I couldn’t eat

I checked the baby and she was clean 

"Johnny, have you had an accident?" 

"No mum," Johnny replied. “Not me”

The smell got worse and I cursed

As I didn’t bring spare clothes with me

"Are you SURE you didn't have an accident?" 

"No mum," Johnny replied.” not me”

I just KNEW that he must have had an accident,

Because the smell was really smarting

"Are you really SURE you didn't have an accident?" 

he leaped up like he was departing

Dropped his pants and spread his cheeks

And said "see mum, I was only farting!!"

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