Wednesday 24 September 2008


Mary stood naked before her husband
“What do you like most about me?”
"What is it that turns you on more,
My pretty face or my sexy body?"
He perused her nakedness briefly
"Your sense of humour!" said hubby


George was unhappy
With his wife’s erratic mood swings
And his work mates
Told him of the benefit s of mood rings
So he went out a bought one
So he might monitor her mood
He had his reservations
And he thought the idea quite crude
But when she was in a good mood
The stone in the ring turned bright red
And when in a bad mood
It left a huge bruise on his fore head
He came to the conclusion
That he would throw away the mood ring
And try a new tack
Such as buying her a diamond ring


The fierce sun burned the land
Cracking stone, bleaching bone
Drying the rich earth to dust
To be blown on the four winds
Or washed away by unforgiving rains
So infrequent in their coming

Unable to penetrate the iron earth
Rain-washed off the barren land
Like it were a repellent oily hide
Leaving it sterile and infertile
To all but natures hardiest
Most determined to cling to life

In the fast expanding wilderness
Beneath rocks and stones life goes on
Insects toil industriously on
While un-germinated seeds bide their time
Until nature smiles once more
On this harsh and arid land


Wind is a wonderful thing
Invisibly it makes the leaves dance
And trees gyrate as if shaken
By an invisible hand
Water is pushed before it
Rain and snow are driven by it
It ripples through cornfields
Whispers in the grass
It whistles through canyons
Whines like a tortured spirit
Or scream like a banshee
It is a fickle force
It can be silent like a mouse
Or roar like a lion
Its gentleness can caress your cheek
Its awesome power
Can toss you like a rag doll
Or snap you like a twig
Its power is to be respected
It’s uncompromising and indiscriminate
A force to be reckoned with
Whether from the frozen north
Or a bitter easterly
A stormy westerly
Or a vengeful tempest from the south


Abundant rain
And warm sunshine
Paints the landscape afresh
Replacing the drabness
Of greys and browns
When the greens appear
In their infinite variety
Nature’s pallet used abundantly
Greens of every hue and shade
Fields of luscious green grasses
Trees speckled with bright buds
Like a vivid rash
Against brown limbs
Hedgerows sprout into life
While bulbs push through
The contrasting earth
Everywhere awash with viridity
Only in spring
Can the same colour
Appear in so many guises
So many variations
A veritable myriad
Across the spectrum
From dark olive to bright lime
Drab khaki to exotic emerald
Shades vivid and vibrant
And all this is but a pre cursor
Preparing the senses
For the coming
Explosion of colour


I want to live
Where you can see stars
In the night sky
And it actually gets dark at night

I want to live
Where the river banks
Are grass and reed
And the dominant colour is green

I want to live
Where the animals
Out number cars
And I know all my neighbours by name

I want to live
An idyllic country life
In a village or on a farm
In a chocolate box paradise


What with middle age spread
And the force of gravity
Time has played havoc
With my once sylph like body
My hour glass figure is no more
Alas it’s more like a barometer case
And my “cross your heart” bra
Is more of a “cross your waist”