Regarding which country makes
Panama hats, I was
seriously misled
It turns out they’re
not Panamanian
And are made in
Ecuador instead
Regarding which country makes
Panama hats, I was
seriously misled
It turns out they’re
not Panamanian
And are made in
Ecuador instead
I don’t believe in traditions
I have no time for
And neither did my
Or his father before
My wife made me go car hunting with her
As we have a family
she wanted a People Carrier
And the trip went okay
until I upset her
When I said that every
car was a people carrier
When you look at a Hippo
It obviously differs
from a Zippo
As one is a really
heavy blighter,
And the other is a
little lighter
I approached the woman in the bookshop
“I want a book on
Turtles” I told her
And she responded
“Well obviously they’re
hardback, duh”
If you are looking to offend ISIS
And you’re a woman,
wear a short skirt
That would seem to do
the trick
And if you’re a man,
wear a short skirt
“This will separate the men from the boys”
Was stated in my youth
However it what
separates them today
Appears to be is Operation Yew Tree