My niece loves the Easter Bunny
But she won’t say
Happy Easter
When she wears her
Bunny Ears
She likes to say Hoppy
My niece loves the Easter Bunny
But she won’t say
Happy Easter
When she wears her
Bunny Ears
She likes to say Hoppy
The difference between a crazy Bunny
And counterfeit
Is simple really, one
is a mad bunny
While the other is bad
Oh, the grand old Duke of York
He had ten thousand men
But after Brexit is settled,
they will
Have to go home again
Are you wearing a Pink?
And are dressed as a
ballet dancer
Well, all credit to
you man
Standing up to breast
Prevention is better than cure
Well I’m not so sure
Prevention is only
helpful until
You are actually ill
Temple walls are straight and tall
But my body is not
like a temple at all
I have curves and am
short in stature
I'm more like a
disused rollercoaster
Are you wearing Easter stockings?
Beneath your long
spring coat
Are you suitably resplendent?