“Money talks” is the saying
I’m not quite sure why
If my money could talk
It would only ever say
“Money talks” is the saying
I’m not quite sure why
If my money could talk
It would only ever say
The old saying goes
“If you can't beat
them, join them”
But a rethink is
called for,
“If you can't beat them”,
Rather than joining them
You should “beat them”,
Because they will be
You to “join them”,
As a result you will
take them
Completely by surprise
Women might be able to fake orgasms
It’s due to how Mother
Nature equip
Although men aren’t born
with that ability
But they can fake a
whole relationship
My sister says they are bothered by a Raccoon
Who boldly take things
off their veranda
It’s very brazen, and
is one of nature’s scroungers
Although she calls it
their garbage Panda
Times are bad and getting worse
And I’m shocked at the
As the light at the
end of the tunnel
Has been turned off
due to austerity
Everything happens for a reason,
Is the generally accepted
Unfortunately, you
must admit
That sometimes the
reason is you
Itsy bitsy spider
Climbed up the water
Arriving in the shower
As she was getting out
And that was when
She began to scream or