Don’t let a little dispute
Injure a great
Swallow your pride
And quickly make up
Don’t let a little dispute
Injure a great
Swallow your pride
And quickly make up
One of the keys to the song of life
Is one of the simple things
that please
Such as saying “bless
When you hear someone
We all make mistakes in life
But the first step is
to admit it
When you realize you've
made one
Take immediate steps
to correct it
One secret to a happy life
Is this, more or less
Take every opportunity
Mind your own business.
Live a full and satisfying life
Make your mark and
don’t regret it
But measure your success
by what
You had to give up in
order to get it
Once in an age of innocence
When the maids were
The body was a temple
of love
On which great value
was placed
Now the age of
innocence is dead
Virtue is sacrificed
in haste
Bodies are desecrated
at will
Diddle, diddle, dumpling, my son John,
Went to bed with his trousers on
One shoe off, and one shoe on,
His was as pissed as a fart, my son Jon!