You know you’re getting old
So let the protests cease
When you’re cautioned to slow down
By the doctor instead of by the police
You know you’re getting old
So let the protests cease
When you’re cautioned to slow down
By the doctor instead of by the police
You simply have to face it
You are getting old I’d say
When "getting a little action" means
You don't need to take any fibre today
You simply have to face it
You are getting old like as not
When "getting lucky" means
You can find your car in the parking lot.
Mother Superior called together
All the nuns in the convent
"I must tell you all something”
She began her grave statement
“Sisters we have a case
Of gonorrhoea in our community"
"Thank God," said an old nun
"I'm so sick of Chianti"
The relationship of a marriage plight
Is one in which one person is always right
And always has the upper hand
While the other is just a husband
Only when a man is
Handcuffed securely
Chained, restrained
Or bound up firmly
Can he ever be
Considered trustworthy
Why do men whistle?
Chirrup chirp and cheep
When they are sitting
On the toilet seat
They seem to whistle through
Every strain and gripe
Does it help them remember?
Which end they need to wipe