Wednesday, 7 April 2021



When I saw the famine victims of Ethiopia

I said I felt no sympathy for their plight

Flies busy around eyes nose and mouth

I said I felt nothing certainly not contrite

Why did they still have babes at the breast?

Making babies after four years of famine

They could make babies but not find food

Suffering in ways I could not imagine

I refused to be affected by the images

When I saw aids sufferers on television

I was Angry at the emotional blackmail

I said that my heart felt no compassion


When I saw the famine victims of Ethiopia

I said I felt no sympathy for their plight

Flies busy around eyes nose and mouth

I said I felt nothing certainly not contrite

Why did they still have babes at the breast?

Making babies with lesions on the skin

They could make babies despite illness

Suffering in ways I could not imagine

I refused to be affected by the images

When I saw aids sufferers on television

I was Angry at the emotional blackmail

I said that my heart felt no compassion


When I see the suffering in the world

I feel helplessness for their awful plight

Flies busy around eyes nose and mouth

Because they had no strength left to fight

Of course, they still had babes at the breast

Because making babies is just life continuing

They could still make babies despite all

Suffering in ways beyond my imagining

It’s impossible not to be affected by images

When I see the suffering on television

Despite the cruel emotional blackmail

Of course, my heart feels compassion


Why do people point to their wrists?

When asking for time checks

But they don't point to their crotch

When they’re busting their necks


Love is one long sweet

Period of dreaming

And marriage

Is the alarm clock ringing



A coward is nothing

But a hero merely

With a wife, kids

And a mortgage clearly

50-50-90 RULE


There is a simple guide or tool

Called the 50-50-90 rule

If you have a 50-50 chance say

Of doing something correctly

There is a 90% probability

You'll get it wrong completely



It was once said by a lover

He’d go through hell for her

So, they got married and well

Now he is going through hell

Monday, 5 April 2021


Heracles when driven mad by the goddess Hera

Murdered his three children and his wife Megara

The Delphic oracle punished him for the murders

By ordering him to perform the Twelve Labors

The labors were set by his cousin king Eurystheus

The eighth labor for our hero and his squire Abderus

Was to captures the man-eating mares of Diomedes

The King of Thrace was fed to his horses by Heracles

He soon herded them down to the sea as he planned

Where he embarked them for Tiryns his homeland

Once he returned, they were released by Eurystheus

They were eaten by wild animals on Mount Olympus