Tuesday 29 December 2020



I have a tale of woe to tell

Of my piano which I must sell

Oh, what a tragic sort of tale

Which tells of my piano for sale

For it has to go so I was told

Though I don’t really want it sold


So, a new owner I must find 

Someone appreciative and kind

Or to the garage go it must

To become a gatherer of dust

But I can’t keep it out of sight     

So, I’ll bid farewell to my upright


Why must I part with my dear friend?

But part we must though in the end

Creating extra space is sort

But what makes space of such import?

What makes this move so necessary?

Is the room changed to a nursery


The time has come to do the deed

To write the add for them to read

So how to frame the perfect add

To attract the good but not the bad

Piano for sale, is how I began

Piano for sale, only used for Chopin

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