Friday 17 July 2009


Justitia, or lady justice
Matronly Goddess
Stands for fairness
Validating justice
Sanctifying the law
A figure of trust

Before the court
She stands
To mete out justice
Without fear of favour
Equality for all
In the eyes of the law

In Justitia’s left hand
The measuring balances
The scales of justice
Weighing the evidence
For and against
Support and opposition
Guilt and innocent

Justitia, in her right hand
Holds the sword
The symbol of power
Of reason and justice
A double edge sword,
The sword of justice
The nemesis sword
To be wielded for or against
Retribution or vengeance

Justita is a fraud
Justice is not blind
Rip off the blindfold
From the bitch’s eyes
She is not blind
She has no impartiality
She is the establishment
The ruling order
Her principled scales
Don’t measure justice
Only a rich mans coin
And her noble sword
The sword of justice
The nemesis sword
Is used to smite the weak

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