Monday 22 January 2007


Through leafy glades we walked together
In the dappled shade beneath the trees, where
Spots of light chase each other frantically
As the soft summer breeze moves the treetops
As on the forest floor the patterns change
In some places shafts of golden sunlight
Burst through the canopy, like sunbeams
Sent down from god above to light the darkness
In the sunnier spots the blue bells dance
As if to entertain the travellers
The path leads us upwards into the light
Each step taking us to ever lighter skies
Until we emerge atop a green hill
We looked out across the land, England
And knew what we had all fought and died for
To save this land from the spoils of war


I stood in the shadows
As I had often done before
Out of sight, to see yet be unseen
To look upon that vision of loveliness
She talks with friends in the gardens
Unaware of me
Her skirt was long and green
From high waste to ankle low
Her crisp blouse of white
Enhanced to elegance of her neck
The long sleeves encasing her slender arms
Covered her fine boned wrists
Her hair was red
Red like burnished copper
Thick and full bodied tied back at her nape
Her eyes were the hue of polished emeralds
In a setting of perfect pale skin
No jeweller could ever hope to equal
Her mouth pale lipped, strong yet sensitive
When transformed into a smile
Illuminated her countenance
As if a light had been switched on
Perusal of every inch of her delicate frame
Returned echoes of a cultured creature
Dressed in the finest Edwardian elegance
More than a class above me
I step from the shadows
Returning unseen to my duties


She was only slight
And petite of height
Her complexion light
Her smile so bright

Her hair was brown
Her eyes looked down
She never wore a frown
But a halo for a crown

Her eyes were green
And her intellect keen
Her limbs lithe and lean
With the poise of a queen

An angel in human form
Protecting me from the storm
Her embrace both soft and warm
From despair I will transform


If I am the first to go
I will wait for you in the place
Where the crowns of Angels glow

If I go first because I lost the fight
I will be waiting with the Father
Where the tunnel opens into light

If I am the first one there
I will await you in lush meadows
Where heady perfume fills the air

If I go first and leave you lonely
We will meet again in paradise
In our loved ones company

If I am the first to go, allay your fears
I will be waiting in the place
Where there are no more tears

If I go before you and we must part
I will wait for you in heaven
Where sweet music soothes the heart

If I am first to go we will meet again
In a far better place than this
Where God has banished pain

If I go first through the eternal door
You will find me with the angels
Where suffering is no more

If I am first to go by days or years
You will find me waiting there
Far beyond this vale of tears