“The Shinning” is a horror classic, screenplay by Stanley Kubrick and Diane Johnson, based on the Novel by Stephen King and Directed by Stanley Kubrick.
Jack Torrance (Jack Nicholson) is an aspiring author
and recovering alcoholic cursed with a persistent writer's block.
His solution is to take a job as an off-season
caretaker at the secluded Overlook Hotel in Colorado's snow-capped mountains,
and drags his wife, Wendy (Shelley Duvall), and his gifted son, Danny (Danny
Lloyd) with him.
The Torrance’s arrive as the Hotel begins to shut down
for the season, and they are given the grand tour, during which they meet the
Hotel's chef, Hallorann (Scatman Crothers).
Halloran chats with Danny about the rare psychic gift
they share called “The Shining”, and warns him about certain rooms he should
avoid, as the Hotel has a grizzly past.
In the weeks that follow the closure of the Hotel Jack
fails to overcome his writers block and little by little, Jack starts losing
his mind.
He feels trapped in a gargantuan silent prison set in
an unforgiving environment of seemingly endless snowstorms, his days are filled
with strange occurrences and eerie visions and incessant voices in his head
demand a sacrifice, leading to a thrilling and dramatic finale in true Kubrick