Showing posts with label Countdown. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Countdown. Show all posts

Wednesday 4 January 2023



Last night I was watching Countdown

And Rachel Riley in a colourful gown

When I told my wife, where I am housed

That when watching Rachel, I got Aroused

I could tell that I had let down my guard

Her instant response was to slap me, hard

She slapped me unconscious how absurd

And all I did was get a seven-letter word

Monday 22 March 2021



I was watching Carol and twice nightly

Countdown with Vorderman and Whitely

When I told my wife where I am housed

That when watching Carol I got Aroused

I could tell that I had let down my guard

Her instant response was to slap me hard

She slapped me unconscious how absurd

And all I did was get a seven-letter word