“Carefree” is a Musical Romantic Comedy, Written by Allan Scott, Ernest Pagano. Dudley Nichols, Hagar Wilde, Marian Ainslee, and Guy Endore and Directed by Mark Sandrich.
Stephen Arden (Ralph Bellamy) has a problem in the relationship with his
fiancée, Amanda (Ginger Rogers), so he turns to his friend Dr. Tony Flagg (Fred Astaire), a
psychiatrist, for help to understand why she keeps breaking off the engagement.
After some minor misunderstandings, she falls in love with Tony, so he
tries to use hypnosis to strengthen her feelings for Steven, however things get
complicated when he realises that he’s in love with her.
It’s an interesting and amusing vehicle in
which Ginger and Fred acquit themselves ably but are supported by a first-rate
group of players headed by old friends like eager Jack Carson and irascible
Clarence Kolb plus charming comedian Luella Gear.
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