“Airport” is an action thriller disaster movie, the first of a series, screenplay by George Seaton from the Novel by Arthur Hailey and Directed by George Seaton and Henry Hathaway.
The movie revolves around the airport manager of Lincoln International Airport,
near Chicago, Mel Bakersfeld (Burt Lancaster), who has to contend with a
paralyzing snowstorm, environmental concerns over noise pollution, a blocked
runway, schedule issues, an habitual elderly Trans Global Airlines stowaway,
Ada Quonsett (Helen Hayes), manpower problems, frozen runways, equipment malfunctions
and a suicide bomber, D.O. Guerrero (Van Heflin) plans to blow up a Boeing 707
airliner in flight.
A first class movie which was the for runner of the disaster movie
genre, helped in no small measure by a great cast including: Dean Martin, Jean
Seberg, Jacqueline Bisset, George Kennedy, Maureen Stapleton, Barry Nelson,
Dana Wynter and Lloyd Nolan.
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