Thursday 15 April 2021



My wife and I sat down one Sunday night to watch, what we thought was a nice little medical drama on the BBC about a Super Eruption which we quite innocently believed to be about an epidemic of teenage acne.

Well, I can tell you that what we saw, and I not ashamed to say this, frightened the life out of us.

I haven’t seen my present wife that distressed since her latex glove split while she was worming the dog.

When I consulted the Radio Times to make sure we had been watching the right channel I noticed a BBC documentary, directly following the program on BBC2, on the very subject of the drama we had just watched. .

I knew we could rely on the BBC to put the true story and allay all our fears.

Now as a result of the documentary my wife has taken a handful of Valium and I’m writing this from the cupboard under the stairs we were not at all reassured and it seems fact is worse than fiction.

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