All good ghostly kids
Are brought up good
and true
And they will never
Until they’re spooken
All good ghostly kids
Are brought up good
and true
And they will never
Until they’re spooken
Snip! Snap! Dragon!
Here comes the flaming bowl
So let mischief take its toll
Just as this Halloween comes
Snatch at the feast of
In amongst the
Brandy’s flame
It’s our favourite
Halloween game
Snip! Snap! Dragon!
I buy my wife a gift for Halloween
Though not the gift
giving season
Because Halloween is
like Christmas
For witches and that’s
the reason
I was stood at the bar last night
When a vampire gave me
a fright
As I fully expected
him to take a bite
But instead, he
ordered a blood light
It’s that time of year again, Halloween
Oh how I hate it and
its practitioners
All year round we tell
our children
“Don’t accept sweets
from strangers”
We instil in them from
an early age
“Don’t ever approach
or talk to strangers”
Then at Halloween we
send them out
To ask for sweets at
the doors of strangers
When children dressed
as monsters
Terrorize the neighbourhood
Begging from door to
Demanding sweets and
For not vandalizing
your property
The older children or
should I say yobs
Wear masks and
disguise them selves
Clearly training for a
life of crime
A yob in a funny
outfit is still a yob
It’s that time of year
The night of night to
ignore the doorbell
It’s not twee or cute
it’s just annoying
I try to be polite
when I shoo them from my door
But I know I will get
up next morning
With fake blood
smeared on the front door
Eggs smashed on my
And rubbish strewn
across my garden
God, I hate Halloween
and its practitioners
I hide behind the sofa quivering in fear
Now the witching hour
is near
The curtains are drawn
And I’ve turned off
the lights
The TV volume is way
down low
I sit and cower in its
feeble glow
Then comes the knock
upon the door
And I curl up
quivering on the floor
My heart is pounding
my breath is shallow
My mouth is dry it’s
hard to swallow
On all hallows eve I
live in mortal dread
But not of monsters or
the un-dead
The fear that turns my
heart to stone
Is Trick or Treaters
knowing I’m home
The three-foot ghosts and ghouls
Roam the neighbourhood streets
Demanding candy with menaces
When tricks arise after no treats