Monday 18 October 2021


When everyone was having fun

In the holidays, poor lonely Harry

Had to return each time

To the bosom of the family Dursley

As he waited for word from Sirius

He was always at a lose end

All his school pals and teachers were busy

And his owl was his only friend

Hermione was getting a little ginger

Where the Weasley family dwell

Riding Ron like a nimbus

Until he screamed out “bloody hell”

While Neville was with young Ginny

Who grabbed his wand and made him faint

Madam Maxime was spanking Hagrid

And covering his genitals in paint

Professor McGonagall morphed into a cat

And curled up on Dumbledore’s lap

Malfoy wore Madam Pomfreys underwear

And played with his old chap

Seamus played with Cornish pixies

And goblin’s had a different meaning

Pomona Sprout had meat and two veg

As Wood gazed smiling at the ceiling

Unwanted Harry sat alone in his room

Pining for his young love Cho

And was finally forced to seek solace

Where the sad and the lonely go

He sought out the purveyors of sex

Looking for some company

At a place frequented by Filch and Snape

On a street called Ven Ally

But he contracted the vilest irritation

On his most intimate patch

After consorting with a cut price bludger

At a place called the “Golden snatch”

If he had not been so cheap

And not chosen a dirty little witch

He would have had his carnal pleasures

Without catching the dreaded quid itch

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