Halloween horrors
Cross the thin veil
You must escape them
You’ll die if you fail
Halloween horrors
Cross the thin veil
You must escape them
You’ll die if you fail
A Halloween horror
Threatens my faith
A demon of my own
Horrors of hell
Those cast down
Rise on Halloween
To walk about town
Bloody demons
In bloody gown
Horrors of hell
Will cut you down
She could beguile
And mesmerise
She could entrance
And hypnotize
She was a cunning
Thorny little bitch
She was also a
Horny little Witch
In the blackness of the night
Performing their
satanic rite
Satan’s followers
To every Demons
Demons walk the earth
On All Hallows Eve
And will snatch away
Your soul at their
Are you wearing a witch’s outfit?
Does it come with all
the kit?
The shoes and cloak
and hat
Striped stockings and
all that
Then ply me with your
And realise your every