Showing posts with label Albury. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Albury. Show all posts

Monday 10 July 2023




The amorous King John
Took by ungentlemanly force
The woodcutter’s daughter
And put her upon his horse
Taking her from Albury village
To a place called the silent pool
The girl, scared and crying
Prayed his ardour would cool
But he pressed his intent upon her
So into the dark lake she fled
Mounted, he drove her ever deeper
Until the poor girl was dead
Now on the silent pool at midnight
The maiden can be seen there
Where the amorous King John
Did drown the life from her

Wednesday 16 February 2022



The amorous King John

Took by ungentlemanly force

The woodcutter’s daughter

And put her upon his horse

He took her from Albury village

To a place called the silent pool

The girl scared and crying

Prayed the Kings ardour had cooled

He pressed his intent upon her

So, into the dark lake she fled

From his horse he drove her ever deeper

Until the poor girl was dead

Now on the silent pool at midnight

The maiden can be seen there

Where the amorous King John

Did drown the life from her

Monday 3 January 2022




The amorous King John
Took by ungentlemanly force
The woodcutter’s daughter
And put her upon his horse
Taking her from Albury village
To a place called the silent pool
The girl, scared and crying
Prayed his ardour would cool
But he pressed his intent upon her
So into the dark lake she fled
Mounted, he drove her ever deeper
Until the poor girl was dead
Now on the silent pool at midnight
The maiden can be seen there
Where the amorous King John
Did drown the life from her