Wednesday 1 November 2023

Uncanny Tales – (070) Relative Complications


Christina Smith lived in the idyllic village of Mornington-By-Mere, situated in the beautiful Finchbottom Vale and was very happy, and regularly satisfied.

That was until her sister Katie came to stay following her divorce, and she was very depressed, and didn’t want to go, she just stayed at home and watched trashy TV, and it was cramping Christina’s style.

However, salvation came in the form of new neighbour Connor Rigby who had shown a good deal of interest in Katie, heavily encouraged by her sister.

He invited her round to his house for dinner which Katie was originally keen on, relatively, but come the night, her bottle went.

When she appeared in the lounge she was immaculately dressed and beautifully made up.

“Wow” Christina said, “you look stunning.”

“I look frightful” she responded morosely.

“No, you don’t” she reassured her “Connor will trip over his tongue when he sees you.”

Christina slipped on some shoes and said.

“Come on sexy I’ll escort you to his.”

She took her arm and as they walked up his path she turned to her sister and asked with panic in her voice.

“What if he thinks I look frightful?”

“He won’t think that because you look gorgeous” Christina said to her softly.

“I hope so” she replied forlornly.

They continued walking up to Connor’s door and Christina rang the bell and it was opened in moments.

“Hello” Connor said cheerfully.

“Hello Connor” Katie said glumly as she stepped into the house.

“Have a great time Katie” she called after her, but Katie didn’t reply, and Connor gave her a look.

“Crisis of confidence” she whispered.

“Oh, I see,” he said sagely.

Connor assured her he would massage her ego and ply her with drink until she cheered up, and they laughed and then she wished him a nice evening and returned home.

Once inside she resumed her seat and refilled her glass.

At some point during the evening Christina fell asleep, she woke up just after two o’clock, and only then because she needed a pee.

After relieving herself she turned off the TV and began tidying up prior to going to bed.

About ten minutes later the front door opened and Katie tottered into the lounge carrying her tights and knickers

“So, Connor liked you then” Christina asked as she plopped down on the sofa.

“He did,” she said smiling “three times.”

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