Thursday 26 August 2021



“The Dead Zone” is a horror thriller, screenplay by Jeffrey Boam, based on the Novel by Stephen King and Directed by David Cronenberg.


When a survivor from a road accident awakes from a coma after five years, schoolteacher Johnny Smith (Christopher Walken) discovers he has psychic abilities, when he touches someone, he gets visions of the past, present or the deadly future.

However after five years he finds life has moved on without him, his girlfriend Sarah Bracknell (Brooke Adams) is now married; he no longer has a job and he's basically crippled due to his muscles having atrophied.

So he struggles to find his place in the world, but along the way he does use his abilities to help Sheriff Bannerman (Tom Skerritt) solve a murder case.

He then helps to save a child's life but when he discovers the chilling fate for the world, he must save everyone from an evilly corrupt presidential hopeful Greg Stillson (Martin Sheen) but at what cost.

Character stalwarts, Herbert Lom, Anthony Zerbe and Colleen Dewhurst provide excellent support to the stars in the gripping movie.

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