Wednesday 7 February 2007


Sun light pierced the darkness
Through unmet curtains
Spilling gentle early morning sun
On her quiet restful countenance
Facing the dawn
She lay on her side
Her hand supporting her pail cheek
She was at peace
Her three score year and ten served
Age and weariness had left her
And the pain, which hardens our features, was no more
As I held her cold hand
I remembered her warmth
And my mind was at once filled
With a lifetimes memories
Good memories
Warm and rich beyond price
Memories So vivid they might have been yesterday
My lips quivered
And my eyes filled with the sting of tears
Happy for the memories
But so sad for the loss
Then Suddenly The peace was broken
With the doctors heavy footfall on the stairs
So I kissed her gentle hand
And said my last goodbye to mum.

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