My Great Aunts cooking was so bad
When we used to eat in
her parlour
My Dad told us that
Was to commemorate
Pearl Harbour
My Great Aunts cooking was so bad
When we used to eat in
her parlour
My Dad told us that
Was to commemorate
Pearl Harbour
When we have Thanksgiving Dinner
And were all seated at
the table
The first thing I do
is name the Turkey
Although it has become a family tradition
Not everyone over eats
on Thanksgiving
And of course I’m
referring to the Turkeys
Because they were
stuffed in the beginning
My family all told me to stop
Telling Thanksgiving
But I had to say no,
as I wasn’t
One of those “cold
turkey” blokes
This year, Mum was determined, for the first time,
To have the happy time
the family had lacked
So, when she was preparing
the bird for the oven
The Thanksgiving Turkey
Risked being stricken
When he crossed the
To prove he wasn't
Whitehall Civil Servants took control
Of the Bonfire on that
fateful date
One of them struck the
match, while
The rest filled forms
in triplicate