She was beautiful
Like a Constable
And she painted love
Into my dreary world
Each brushstroke
Changing me forever
She was beautiful
Like a Constable
And she painted love
Into my dreary world
Each brushstroke
Changing me forever
She was so elegant
And light of step
As if on Angels wings
She was swept
From heavens high
Into my arms
To bless my life
With her charms
I spoke the words
Though they came hard
But I could see each
Cut her like a blade
Each word was a stab
at her heart
The final sentence the
coup de grace
A pregnant pause
She looked stunned
Bemused by my speech
Then the tears came
But I had no words of
It hurt me to know
That I had hurt her
But I couldn’t live
another minute
In a loveless void
He kissed life into her,
Like a prince of old
Dispelling everlasting
In a Fairy story often
When Sleeping Beauty
Woke from her trance
To gaze into the eyes
of love
And then forever dance
Soft kisses, planted
Like whispers
On expectant lips
Then a smile of
And a blush
Your serpent hips
And slender limbs
The glow and lustre
On your skin
In the half light
Of the afterglow
Beyond the bliss
And read the smile
On each other’s lips
Is she not a mirage?
Born in my arid heart
To confuse my senses
Conjured from my
To give false hope
This wild imagining
Is so cruelly meant
For someone so
How could she be real?